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Rock Eyez' 2006 Year in Reviews

We at Rock Eyez have been tirelessly publishing our music webzine for less than a year and have seen a lot of things come and go: changes in musical styles, new bands emerging, and unfortunately, some bands breaking up. We've been lucky enough to conduct some in-depth interviews with major bands and review some great up-and-coming artists. We look forward to the future and strive to continue to grow and provide our readers with a wealth of information and entertainment. Thank you for visiting and participating in our journey through the music world.

That being said, we asked our writers and staff members and even a few surprise celebrities to make a list of CDs and bands they liked and disliked about the year in music, 2006 - Here's what they came up with!


Stickman Radio - The Loudest Rock

Unsigned Bands: Please send us your music demos - they will be considered for review!

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