Brian Rademacher:
So how long you lived in America now?
Rob Wylde:
Well I kinda live between both. I just got married a few weeks ago to my wife Leigh Ann. It’s pretty much when TCC is doing things I’m over in England otherwise I’m over here. It’s like the best of both worlds, I like it over here but England is home.
Brian Rademacher:
What is the favorite thing you like to do in the US?
Rob Wylde:
Just go to as many shows as possible. I will try to get to as many 80’s rock shows as possible with my friend Scott driving ridiculous miles for me. England is quite popular in going to the pub and drinking, not like over here. It’s easier over here just to get some beers and stay at home.
Brian Rademacher:
How about your favorite food in the US?
Rob Wylde:
Well everything over here is bigger; my family was just here recently because I got married. It’s their first time in America and they were shocked how much food is piled on your plate. I love pizza but as a starving musician you eat very little, but if it’s pizza I will eat that until it’s coming out my ears.
Brian Rademacher:
Is their anything drastically different in the US compared to the UK?
Rob Wylde:
Not really pretty much the same. In general, the American people are a lot friendlier. British people are much more reserved. When playing live over here the audiences are more accepting to what you do.
Brian Rademacher:
I heard there is a new TEENAGE CASKET COMPANY CD in the works?
Rob Wylde:
Yeah. We took a bit of time off to do our own thing and we will get back to it during the summer. I have been writing a ton of songs and so has Jamie. I’m not sure if it will be an EP or a full CD, not sure. But it will be out this year.
Brian Rademacher:
I never got to see either TCC or SINS OF AMERICA live what can I expect from your live show?
Rob Wylde:
We are booking stuff for SINS OF AMERICA at the moment. TCC is a crazy band with a bunch of fourteen year olds going nuts; it’s a really visual band, these guys don’t tire. SINS are like a POISON type band.
Brian Rademacher:
Why did you decide to form SINS OF AMERICA?
Rob Wylde:
Well TCC have basically run ourselves into the ground, just in 2006 we played over 100 gigs, were not signed to a label and all the money was coming out of our pockets. We toured Italy, Ireland and other places paying for it ourselves. We needed to take a little time off and being here now and getting bored I wanted to start something new, I ask Leigh Ann did she know any musicians out here to start a new band. I hooked up with Shawn Vincent through MySpace who is a drummer and it ultimately went from there. We will be playing at Friday Night Rock Fest 08 on March 21st in Southbridge, Massachusetts at the ADC Performance Center with HOSTEL INC. , JADED, KINGS CHAPEL and many others, we will be booking a lot of shows.
Brian Rademacher: You have one new track on MySpace called “She Said She Wouldn’t”, that is killer. Are you working on new tracks?
Rob Wylde:
We are recording stuff right now and getting ready to tour and put the new CD out. We recorded it with an 8-track in my kitchen and the response has been great. We have a song called “One More Shot” that will be up on MySpace soon. We have eight or nine songs ready and they sound great. We tried recording in the bedroom, living room and the kitchen and the vocals are actually recorded in the bathroom. Everybody sat in the kitchen and a lead to the bathroom but the sound was really cool. We are going to keep to that method. The band only got together in January and I met a lot of contacts but I am sure I will be in contact with the same people who take care of TCC.
Brian Rademacher:
Will there be any acoustic work on the CD?
Rob Wylde:
Probably not, SINS OF AMERICA is a straightforward rock band.
Brian Rademacher: How many tracks are you expecting to put on the record?
Rob Wylde:
It’s going to be a full-length because like I said we have eight or nine songs done.
Brian Rademacher:
What are you chances of playing Rocklahoma this year?
Rob Wylde:
It’s a weird thing because I actually was e-mailing them back and forth. It’s really frustrating; I have been in touch with Retrospect Records and a guy from Blast Zone. At one point TCC were set to play and book a tour after. Then I heard you have to pay like $5,000 to get on the show and had another e-mail saying I can pull some strings to get you on and I’m still hoping, but I don’t think it’s going to happen.
Brian Rademacher:
Since you been on tour with TCC what band did you have the most fun touring with?
Rob Wylde:
For me I think VAIN.That’s a band that is an awesome band that we played with. They sounded amazing and those guys are really reserved but wild men on stage, but once the shows over they go right back to the hotel to rest up, it’s the exact opposite of what I expected. Another band that was great was THE EROTICS which we did five tours with; we have such a good time with those guys.Davy Vain is a really quiet guy very soft spoken but what a great vocalist and a great guy.
Brian Rademacher:
You’re going to see the return debut show of DANGER DANGER tonight, what are you expecting from that show?
click above to see video of Rob during our interview
Rob Wylde:
Nothing short of a phenomenal show. They are my all time favorite band. Even when people ask me who is my all time favorite band and I say DANGER DANGER, they say “are you serious is this some joke,” no this is my favorite band of all time. You can stick ROLLING STONES, THE RAMONES it’s DANGER DANGER for me. I am going to hear all my favorite songs and I know there going to be great. They’re the only band I want to be in front of the stage going nuts for, any other band I will be in the back trying to look cool but for DANGER DANGER I don’t care I want to be up there in the front.
Brian Rademacher:
Would you ever think of doing a double set one with TCC and the second set with SOA?
Rob Wylde:
Yeah it would be cool. We did a small tour with TCC and a band called THE DANGERFIELD who some of the members are in both bands. It would be cool to get TCC and SINS OF AMERICA over here in the US and tour together.
Brian Rademacher:
When you heard about the passing of Kevin DuBrow what were your thought?
Rob Wylde:
To be honest I was never a massive QUIET RIOT fan, but obviously it’s upsetting. If it was like Bret Michaels or Jani Lane or Ted Poley I would have been weeping in my beer. It’s pretty crappy having any cool rockstar like Kevin pass.
Brian Rademacher:
Have you seen Ted’s Antique toy collection?
Rob Wylde:
I saw pictures on your RockEyez site.
Brian Rademacher:
Yeah Ted was gracious to invite our staff over his house; the coolest thing was like this casket type CD case, like six-foot tall. It was so cool and Ted actually did some live songs for us right there. That had to be one of the most special times for me doing RockEyez.
So what are your future plans?
Rob Wylde: I suck at everything else in life so I am going to keep plugging away with my music, I will keep on going until I’m dead. TCC will have something new out this year and the fans in England are asking about that. SINS OF AMERICA will have something out this year too.
Brian Rademacher: Rob it was great having you over today for dinner and the interview would you like to say anything to the fans out there?
Rob Wylde:
Yeah it has been fun working with both bands TCC and SOA and look for two new releases from us this year. The fans have been great and we’re looking to rock out live in 2008. Look for us on tour and I thank the fans for sticking with us and hope to see you all on tour.
Brian Rademacher: Rob congratulations on your marriage to your beautiful wife Leigh Ann and thanks for stopping by.