Rockeyez: Frank thanks for taking the time to answer some question for us.
Can you tell us how the band formed and some background?
Frank Caruso: Thanks for your attention; it's an honour for us from Europe to speak to you! Let's start from 1987, when I set up the FIREHOUSE and I published 2 hard rock albums with them. The 1995 is the year of the change, from the ashes of our first band arose the ARACHNES with a more pro-metal component that, in the following albums, has become also symphonic, sign of our classical background. First, the European market with SPV and later, in the 2001, APOCALYPSE has been published all over Europe by SPV and a special edition in Japan by AVALON MARQUE , beside our several apparitions on BURNS , the popular Japanese magazine.
Many satisfactions, but also a lot of things to do, my brother Enzo and I are authors of music for soundtracks and for television too, and this job has made us the possibility of widen our knowledge of musical genres.
In your bio you mention the band changed direction from Hard Rock to a more Melodic Metal why the change?
Initially the hard component was more marked, as if our genre were cruder, later our musical background, my love for bands like the Toto , the Yes , led us to more elegant styles, without losing our metal feature. Technically I could say that the hard rock component hasn't disappeared, simply the arrangement now is more pro-melodic-power.
The band has been around since 1995. That is 10 years ago and Arachnes has many releases. What do you see in the coming year for the band? In these 10 years we have created 5 albums for the Arachnes ( The Goddess Temple , Parallel worlds, Apocalypse, Primary fear) , 2 special editions (of The Goddess Temple and of Parallel Worlds ), entirely instrumental, created for television and for cinema (soundtracks and spots) besides our collaborations with others artists and it has been great, like climbing a mountain.
I think that our future will bring us more news, because I'm always been searching for something new, and after the opening of the Japanese market, I've got the confirmation that in these years of hard work we've gone through the right way.
What musician do you admire?
My artistic formation began in the seventies Hard, that is to say from Blackmore ( Deep Purple-Rainbow ) to Malmsteen-Satriani-V. Moore . But our style is also characterised by my brother's jazz feature, by his passion for seventies prog ( from ELO to Genesis , till Chick Corea ), you can hear it in his keyboards solos (only keyboards) and this alternating from guitar neoclassical solos to keyboards fusions has became our main characteristic!
Can you tell us what equipment you use and do you have a signature guitar pick?
I have several guitars, a Fender Stratocaster of the 1971 (my jewel) and a Stratocaster mod. R. Blackmore limited edition that I've been using for some solos. I've also a personalized Yamaha with Pick-up of Marzio and another one, that I built by myself with Humbuker Mod. F. Gambale, I use it during the rhythmic. Pre amplifier Hughes & Kettner with modified section tubes (Mesa Boogie), tubes Mesa boogie, and like dsp Lexicon and Beheringher with two glorious Marshall!
Has the band ever played in the USA?
Unfortunately no, we haven't, but I hope this dream comes true in the future!
Your last CD was in 2003 are you working on new material and can you tell us anything about it?
Sure! I have just finished a “guitar album”, which will be published in the following months and we have started the registrations of the new ARACHNES album which'll be ready by the end of the year, therefore a year of hard at work even if we skipped our annual appointment!
Can you tell us your wildest touring story?
Ah Ah Ah!!!!!Nooo…on the square we're very quiet people even if listening to our music you could expect the opposite....with the exception of some beers and some more Jack Daniel (my favorite one)....but at that point I can't remember!!!!!!
I will name a few things tell us what comes to mind:
Bon Jovi has got more
For ever, it's my life!
I'd like playing in the USA and in Soviet Union !
Satriani and V. Moore
It'll be better and better
