Interviewed by Brooke Horsley
Date: August 2010
Brooke Horsley: Hey Kenny, How’s it rockin’ and rollin’ today?
Kenny Collins : : It's going great man! Life is good!
Brooke Horsley: Before you became the front man for LOGAN what were you doing in life?
Kenny Collins : : I was a school teacher in a behavioral secure unit in Glasgow. I taught Science and Social Studies as well as PE.
Brooke Horsley: Were you born with that "booming" voice of yours or did you have any formal training?
Kenny Collins : : I didn't sound like I do now when I was a baby if that's what you mean! ha-ha. My voice has kind of evolved through many years of playing in bands but it's always been of a similar style. I've never really had formal training but I've picked up some hints and tips from bands and singers I've met on the road.
Brooke Horsley: Tell us the meaning behind the title track "The Great Unknown"?
Kenny Collins : : It's about leaving your comfort zone, putting the past behind you and gambling a life of mundane normality to follow your dream. This is a theme that is inspired by what we have gone through as a band to reach this stage of our career.
Brooke Horsley: Out of all the tracks on the new CD what is your personal favorite?
Kenny Collins : : Every single track on the record is awesome and I thoroughly encourage everyone to buy the full record on iTunes on the 5th October!!!
Brooke Horsley: What was your initial reaction when Keith Olsen contacted you guys to produce the record?
Kenny Collins : : We were extremely honored that such a decorated and influential producer saw enough potential in our band to want to work on a record with us. He truly is a genius and now - a great friend.
Brooke Horsley: You are about to embark upon a new chapter of your career in the fall of 2010 and play in the States again. What will you miss the most about Scotland?
Kenny Collins : : My girlfriend!!! That's the downside of touring; you have to sacrifice so much time with the people you care about the most.
Brooke Horsley: In case you don’t know already the "chicks" here in the US dig Scottish men, are you ready for all the attention?
Kenny Collins : : All the boys are either engaged, married or in long term relationships. Sorry ladies, we are only here to rock - we're already in love!
Brooke Horsley: Who would you most like to meet in the music industry and why?
Kenny Collins : : Personally, I’d love to meet Eddie Vedder from PEARL JAM. He's been my hero and idol since I was a kid.
Brooke Horsley: In 2008 you opened for BON JOVI at the Hampden Stadium in Glasgow and then had a long stint on a European tour. What are some of the pros and cons to being on the road that long?
Kenny Collins : : The pros are the 40 minutes to an hour you get to play on stage every night. Everything else absolutely sucks! Ha-ha-ha! I suppose th at's a bit harsh, there are loads of great things about touring; seeing the world, experiencing new cultures and ways of life that can enrich you and inspire you as a human being. Some venues are better than others and we've been unfortunate enough to have seen some of the most disgusting dressing rooms in the world! Our music always goes down well though and having a crowd respond well to your band is what it's all about!!
Brooke Horsley: LOGAN has been together since 2003 with a couple of member changes. Are all five of you tight like brothers? And do you fight like brothers?
Kenny Collins : : Yes and Yes!
Brooke Horsley: What would you say is the most exciting part about being in LOGAN ?
Kenny Collins : : Writing and recording songs and then playing them live. I guess that seems obvious but It's what we do best!!
Brooke Horsley: Describe each of your band mates and yourself in one word:
Kenny Collins : :
- Kenny Collins (vocals) – Recluse
- Iain Stratton (drums) - Loud
- Steve Reilly (bass) - Passionate
- Al Reilly (lead guitar) – Intense
- Mick Coll (rhythm guitar) - Geek
Brooke Horsley: Would you like to throw a few words of your own in before we go?
Kenny Collins : : Yes - Buy LOGAN's album "The Great Unknown" on all available formats and you will be helping towards the wonderful new charity "Mansions for Scottish Rockers"! This charity helps toward providing expensive and comfortable yet lavish and stylish shelter for hardworking Scottish Rockers! Do your bit and help to give us the lives you wish you had yourselves!